Sunday 2 March 2014

Return of the Egg Lady

So, it's been a long time. A very long time since I've had a stab at a blog entry. It's been a crazy year, mainly filled with some big changes, followed by a lot of wine and mainly living off fish fingers for a few months. Well, with a new year and a new flat the cooking is starting to come back on the scene and my blogging mojo may have returned.

Anyway, you remember the eggs obsession right? Well, a weekend morning is still not complete without some sort of cooked breakfast action. When I first moved out of home my brother (and his hollow legs) got me into the full fry up option. This is of course AWESOME but not a great healthy option if you're going to make it all the time. These days tend to revolved around poached eggs with grilled mushrooms and tomatoes. It's nice but can get a little dull, so this morning I tried to jazz it up a little.

Eggs with spinach and chorizo

Granny bread
White wine vinegar
Large handful of fresh spinach
Handful of cherry tomatoes
Handful of mushrooms
40g Chorizo sausage
Small hand full of sun blushed tomatoes
1 anchovy
Hand full of parsley
Salt and pepper

Slice the chorizo and the mushrooms and put them into a grill pan with the cherry tomatoes, some seasoning and pop under a hot grill. Be careful with the amount of salt as you're going to add anchovy later which is really really salty anyway. When the oil starts running out of the chorizo give everything a stir so the oil coats the tomatoes and mushrooms. When the tomato skins have split and they're starting to look soft and starting to colour slightly then add the sun blushed tomatoes and the finely chopped anchovy and carry on grilling.

Meanwhile, get a large pan full of simmering water on the go and add a tablespoon of white wine vinegar. Swirl the water in the pan to create a whirlpool. Crack and egg into a small bowl and slip into the centre of the pan. Pop a piece of toast down. I find that an egg poaches in about the same time it takes to cook a piece of toast.

Put the spinach in a glass bowl and cover in cling film. Wilt the spinach in the microwave then squeeze the water out of the spinach, chop, add a knob of butter and season.

When the toast is cooked, butter and top with the buttered seasoned spinach. Lift the egg out of the pan, drain on paper towel and season and place on top of the spinach. Take the tomato and chorizo mixture from under the grill and toss through the parsley. Serve next to the spinach and egg.



  1. Looks amazing, come and cook it for us! Are you sure about the single anchovy though? Anchovies are like garlic for me, you can never have enough. <3

  2. Well, one anchovy per person isn't stingy, Plus, the chorizo is quite a strong flavour too. You could probably add more, but I'd just tone down the salt a bit if you were going to do that.
