Sunday 3 August 2014

Recent restaurant visits

It's been a long time since my last entry. There have been many reasons for this. The first being, that I've really struggled with my super food challenge. I've found it really uninspiring for some reason. This is mainly because the whole concept of super foods seems to be rubbish. I might put this on the back burner for now.

The other reason for a lack of cooking has been my almost constant stream of restaurant visits of late. What can I say? It’s summer and it’s time to sit by the river drink wine and let someone else do the cooking! Anyone that’s seen me recently will know that my two latest food obsessions have been a) cheese (more on this later) and b) ‘The List’.

‘The List’

This started out as a few places I jotted down that I wanted to try. It grew, then it was refined, then it grew some more, then some strict rules were applied. Sufficed to say, it’s still growing and has become a total obsession. I’m quite proud (not to mention poor and fat) that I've managed to cross seven eateries off in the last month or two. I promise you, I meant to blog about them at the time. My problem with eating out is this: When the food turns up, I get so excited that it’s already half eaten by the time I remember to take a photo. Blogs without photos are dull, and no one needs to see a photo of anyone’s half eaten dinner.

But with a little bit of fudging it, managing to take photos of bits and bobs and revisiting some places. I've managed to get a few shots together.

Polpo (Soho)

I think the best way you can describe Polpo would be to call it ‘Italian tapas’. There seems to be a tapas option for every country these days but it’s basically small food. It’s a bit of a gimmick and a way of making you spend loads without realising it, but as I love trying different flavours in a meal, I still kind of like it.

My trip with the lovely Theresa was peak time on a Saturday night and as is common in London, it’s not possible to book. However we waited in their tiny subterranean bar drinking tiny cocktails for an hour before being seated so it was fine. You just have to remember not to turn up starving.

Our food consisted of Spinach, parmesan and soft egg pizzette; pork and fennel meatballs; asparagus, broad bean and mint salad and other things I can’t remember.

All tiny but all very nice. Service was pretty decent. I would recommend it. 7/10

Homeslice Pizza (Covent Garden)

This was an early addition to the list so I was very glad to cross it off. I also, at this point, discovered that Chang too had ‘A List’ and this place was on hers too. Other crossovers coming up.

Again, you can’t book so it’s good to turn up early to nab a table. You can order certain pizza by the slice or a greater selection if you order a whole pizza. The whole pizza however only comes in one size, dustbin lid size (20”)! We were hungry (and can both eat at Olympic standard) so we went for it and at only £20 for the pizza it was pretty good value. The choice of toppings is also quirky and interesting. We had pulled pork, radish and parsley and walnut pesto which was mind blowingly good!

Where they get you, is the wine. It’s a clever little tactic. They sell wine by the glass. They do this by plonking a 2 litre bottle of the stuff on the table and letting you help yourself. When you’re done they measure how much you’ve had (with a ruler). Obviously with a massive bottle in front of me I saw it as a challenge, drinking more than I would otherwise. When the bill came it turned out that it was £4 for a small glass of wine (125ml). Considering that the wine was drinkable but pretty average, this felt expensive to me. Sufficed to say, the wine bill was bigger than the food bill.

Great pizza, expensive wine. Would recommend to moderate drinkers. 8/10

Copita (Soho)

Restaurant buddy number three was Martyn. This place was second choice for the evening due to the first option having an hour’s standing queue (dam you London!). Deciding that we still wanted tapas (Spanish this time), wandered across Soho to Copita which was half empty. When we got our food it was hard to see why this place didn’t have a massive queue too! It was awesome!

Decent wine by the glass, a massive gin and tonic menu (went down with Martyn very well) and the food was 95% amazing (if a bit pricey). Garlicy king prawns with a sauce that had us ordering more bread almost immediately, some amazing flat iron rare beef with some sort of herb paste, morcilla sausage and (the highlight) fried paprika potatoes with slow cooked onion compote and a runny duck yolk on top. The liquidised almond ‘soupey thing’ with some beetroot on top was a bit weird but everything else was ace!

Easy to get a seat and lovely food if a bit expensive. Go! 8/10

Flesh and Buns (Covent Garden)

Again another early addition and also another cross over with Chang. This place opened last year serving (amongst other things) platters of roasted meats, with sauces, salads and Chinese style steamed buns. It sounded like an interesting concept and I was keen to try. Unfortunately I had trouble getting anyone to go because of the reputation the place had for tiny portions and high prices.

The game changer was the introduction of the most amazing Sunday lunch deal EVER. This place is a really odd mix of Chinese, Japanese, Korean and South American cuisines which saw us eating: Ceviche, spicy chicken, sushi, prawn crackers, edamame, then the signature Flesh and Buns, we had char grilled salmon and slow cooked duck leg and then some beautiful Asian inspired puddings of filled doughnuts and a crème brulee flavoured with black sesame which was lovely but disconcertingly grey! But the best thing about this deal is the bottomless prosecco! We were stuffed and you’re allowed to order more if you’re not, and all for £29!

Having been really excited about the actual Flesh and Buns aspect I found this part just being OK. What really stood out for me were the starters and puddings. The fusion of the menu seems odd but it’s executed very well and everything went together. The service was great and the bottomless prosecco is not only decent quality but they staff are really not shy of filling you up. I have to admit to leaving the place pretty hammered.

Great service, great example of fusion and with this offer it’s amazing value. There's also some seriously cool manga porn in the toilets. It’s a loud clattery environment which makes chatting a bit hard but all in all pretty great. 8/10

Augustus Harris (Covent Garden)

I love this place. It looks tiny from the outside but has a whole downstairs with more seating. The toilets are beautiful and the whole place smells great. I went during a world cup match so it was pretty quiet and we got very attentive personal service from the owner. It’s beautifully decorated, done out with wood panelling. The menu is mainly focused on drinks and finger food making this definitely more of a bar. I think we should have much more of this type of bar in the UK though. The type that serves amazing small food to soak up the booze.

We had dates wrapped in bacon, mozzarella with pesto and tomatoes (the pesto looking suspiciously like whole basil leaves) and some sort of mushroom crostini. It wasn’t really enough to call a meal and plates were beautiful but a bit small and pricey so the bread and oils filled us up enough to carry on a night on the town.

Searching around for a real downside... London seemed to go Campari mad last year and this seems to have lead to almost all the cocktails on the menu being that way inclined which is a shame because I’m not the world’s biggest fan of it.

However, I would definitely go back. Great place to have a leisurely snack and drink wine in Covent Garden. 7/10

Roti Chai (Marylebone)  

I was proud of my dining companion at Roti Chai. Emma is a confirmed Putney lover and after months of teasing her about this I’ve dragged her to a few places I wanted to try. I always make sure that it’s either somewhere with a cracking deal, or somewhere I think it going to be good value so Roti Chai fit the bill perfectly.

On a back road behind Marble Arch station is not where I would expect to find Indian street food but this place is ace. It wasn’t too crowded and we got a seat straight away. Dishes in included chicken lollipops, some lovely slow cooked lamb and some delicious bhel puri. Great quick food and the bill was about £20 each with a drink.

You should go if you’re in the market for a tasty quick bite and you’re in the area. 7/10 

This place started as a street food vendor and got a lot of positive write ups for doing really good, simple pizza with thin authentic chewy bases using really quality ingredients. These pizzas live up to the hype and are simple but very very tasty. The location on Dean Street in Soho is convenient but they don't have a huge amount of room inside. Their second branch in Kingly Court is supposed to be opening up soon and will hopefully have more seating.

The staff are super friendly and it's not too expensive. You should definitely go if you're passing and you can get a seat. 7/10

It's been an eating out bonanza! I think I need to go on a diet now.

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