Monday 8 September 2014

Japanese Stir Fry

I've always struggled with stir fry. Traditionally I've had it as a low fat option, finding it edible but not exciting. Upon proclaiming my disappointment on Facebook a few weeks ago I was given a few suggestions on how to perk it up and give it some new flavors. The most interesting was from by brother who has traveled to Japan in his time and has turned out some amazing Japanese dishes at his place over the years. He suggested kobu seasoning (that I couldn't find), bonito (which I did. I think might also be called dashi when mixed with water - a Japanese stock), mirin and sesame oil.

So, I took myself off to the local Asian supermarket and found almost all of those things that I didn't have already and found a noodle recipe on the Japanese Center's website. I adapted it a bit and came up with this.

It had a more savory stock based backdrop, whilst at the same time being sweet (from the mirin I guess), The main appeal is that it got away from that over powering taste of soy sauce. I also loved the fact that things like ginger were different, because I got pickled sushi ginger. Also, spring onions too because I sprinkled them on the top rather than cooking them in.

This is what I did. I'll be doing this basic idea again but taking the chance to experiment further with sesame oil, ground peanuts, lime juice and maybe different vegetables.

Prawn and Scallop Yaki Udon

Serves 1

For the stir fry:
Peanut oil (or something like ground nut oil)
1/4 red pepper
1/4 yellow pepper
1/4 red onion
Handful of beansprouts
3 chestnut mushrooms
1 packet of ready cooked udon noodles
50g of tiger prawns
30g of scallops
1 tbsp dark soy sauce
1 tbsp of mirin
1.5 tbsp of dashi (which I made out of 1 tsp of bonito flakes dissolved in about 80 ml of boiling water)

To topping:
pickled ginger
1 spring onion
1/2 red chili
crispy onions
more bonito granules

I started by heating the oil in a very hot pan for a few minutes. I then added the next five ingredients, all thinly sliced, and frying fast for a few minutes. Then add the noodles, prawns of scallops (you could easily use any seafood or chicken). Then, after a few minutes, I added the soy, mirin and dashi.

Once warmed through and some of the liquid has boiled off, tip into a dish and garnish with the topping ingredients.

Whilst eating it I ran out of the topping ingredients very quickly so would either recommend adding loads of them, or having bowls of extra on the table.

I loved this. You should definitely make it.

Next challenge is to find kobu and work out how to use that.

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